Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /var/www/vhosts/ctgiyqey.host226.checkdomain.de/alan-arif.de/wp-content/themes/xtreme-one/lib/xtreme-widget-manager.php on line 141

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Data Protection – Alan Arif, the violinist

Data Protection

A visit to our website can result in the storage on our server of information about the access (date, time, page accessed). This does not represent any analysis of personal data (e.g., name, address or e-mail address). If personal data are collected, this only occurs – to the extent possible – with the prior consent of the user of the website. Any forwarding of the data to third parties without the express consent of the user shall not take place.
The site owners do not perform visitor profiling based on, for example, IP addresses.
The site is based on WordPress. Plugins and other features have been chosen with the utmost care to avoid the collection or storage of user data by third parties.
Youtube videos were included on this page. Using these videos may allow Youtube to create an individual user profile. This is beyond our control.
We would like to expressly point out that the transmission of data via the Internet (e.g., by e-mail) can offer security vulnerabilities. It is therefore impossible to safeguard the data completely against access by third parties. We cannot assume any liability for damages arising as a result of such security vulnerabilities.